CTS 2013
Call for Papers and Participation
The 2013 International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems
(CTS 2013)
May 20-24, 2013
The Sheraton San Diego Hotel & Marina
San Diego, California, USA
In Cooperation with ACM, IEEE, and IFIP
NEW Special Issue on CTS 2013 at Wiley's Concurrency and Computation Journal (http://www.cc-pe.net/journalinfo/issues/2014.html#CTS2013, http://www.cc-pe.net/journalinfo/) -
Proposal is due January 17, 2014
NEW CTS 2013 Proceedings and Papers are posted on the IEEE Xplore Digital Library
and available at
DBLP: http://dblp.uni-trier.de/db/conf/cts/
(Extended Paper Submission Deadline: January 28, 2013 )
(Symposia, Workshops and Special Sessions Paper Submission Deadlines Vary)
http://cts2013.cisedu.info or http://cisedu.us/rp/cts13
NOTES: Uploading the camera-ready of accepted papers is open now. Use "Upload" on the left menu
Conference registration is open now
Notifications are compete.
You are cordially invited to participate in and attend the International Conference on Collaboration Technologies and Systems to be held May 20-24, 2013 in San Diego, California, USA. Participation is extended to researchers, designers, educators and interested parties in all CTS disciplines and specialties.
The Conference will include invited presentations by experts from academia, industry, and government as well as contributed paper presentations describing original work on the current state of research in collaboration technologies, collaboration systems, the Internet of things, people social networks, virtual worlds, services computing, and related issues. There will also be tutorial sessions, symposia, workshops, special sessions, demos, panels and forums, posters, doctoral colloquium, and exhibits. Conference sponsorships are welcomed.
During the conference, attendees will see and interact with a broad spectrum of methodologies and technologies that relate to cooperation, coordination, communication, and collaboration at both the client and backend (cloud) levels. This year’s conference targets a wide array of papers, posters, workshops, panels, demonstrations, exhibits, presentations, and tutorials addressing a broad range of topics including sensors, people, clouds, robots and social networks, e-learning, e-business, e-health, emergency response, knowledge management, decision making and support, global grids, P2P, multi-agent systems, trust and cyber security, mobile clients, Web 2.0, virtual environments, ubiquitous collaboration, user interfaces and related human and socio-technical collaboration issues.
Topics include (but are not limited to):
Collaboration Infrastructure, Tools and Technologies
Frameworks and Methodologies for Collaboration
Collaboration Enabling Technologies
Information Infrastructure for Collaboration
Intelligent & Autonomous Agents in Collaboration
Cluster-based Collaborative & Distributed Systems
Collaboration and Cloud Computing
Collaborative Enterprise Security & Access Control
Role-based, Privacy and IP Policies and Algorithms
Mobile and Wireless Collaboration Systems
Socio-Technical Information Spaces
Distributed Collaborative Trusted Sensor Systems
Soft Computing Solutions for Collaboration Systems
Information Exchange and Fusion in CE
Executable Models of Architectures
Architectures and Design of Collaboration Systems
Enterprise and CE Heterogeneity / Interoperability
Platforms for Collaboration
Multi Agent Systems in Collaboration
Grid-based Collaboration Environments
Service Oriented Architectures for Collaboration
Trusted and Reputation-based Collaboration
Management of Metadata for Collaboration
Web Infrastructure for Collaborative Applications
Electronic Artifacts and Notebooks
Data Mining & Warehousing for Collaboration Technologies
Requirements Engineering in CE
Modeling and Simulation of Collaboration
Human Systems and Collaboration
Coordination and Cooperation Mechanisms
Group Characteristics and Social Factors in CE
Cultural Aspects & Human Factors in Collaboration
Human-machine Collaborative Interaction
Social Multimedia and Networks
Awareness in Collaboration Systems
Collaborative Human-Centered Systems
Cognitive and Psychological Issues in Collaboration
Affective, Emotive & Conative Aspects of Collaboration
Interfaces for Collaborative Work
Social Software Based Collaboration
Visualization of Collaborative Processes & Applications
Collaboration Work and Processes
Work and Collaborative Virtual Worlds
Collaborative Conflict Management
Virtual and Remote Project Coordination
Distributed Team Management and Issues
Workflows in Collaborative Operations & Systems
Coordination, Cooperation and Collaboration
Ontologies and Ethnographic Approaches
Distributed Shared Design and Development
Designing Collaborative & Virtual Organizations
Contextual and Situation-based Collaboration
Collaboration Applications, Domains, and Emerging Trends and Technologies
Social Media Applications
Collaborative Knowledge Management
Collaborative Prototyping Environments
Collaborative Machines and Robots
Web- and Internet-enabled Collaboration
e- , Distance-, and Collaborative- Learning
Collaborative Applications in Financial Systems
Collaboration in Education and Sciences
Distributed Systems Engineering Environments
Collaborative and Virtual Simulation Environments
Collaborative Simulation for Distributed Mission Training
Collaborative (Global) Software Development
Shared Virtual Reality and Applications
Collaborative Decision Making and Support
Collaboration Technologies in Industry and Businesses
Collaborative Autonomous Systems & Vehicles
Collaboration and Shared Planning and Logistics
e-Business, e-Comm, e-Gov and Collaboration
Collaboration M&S for Exercise Support and Gaming
Tele- and Collaborative Medicine and Healthcare
Collaboration in Emergency and Disaster Response
Collaborative Open Innovation
Collaborative Environments for Simulation Based Acquisition
Papers reporting original and unpublished research results on above and any other related CTS topics are solicited. Manuscripts submitted should not be under simultaneous consideration by any other conference or venues. Submission should include a completed online web based form (or a cover page) with authors' names, affiliations, addresses, fax and phone numbers, and email addresses of all authors. Please indicate clearly the corresponding author(s), although all authors are equally responsible for the paper and its content. Include up to 6 keywords from the above list and an abstract of no more than 400 words. Please submit an electronic copy of your full draft manuscript, not to exceed 8 pages in the IEEE format (single-spaced, double-column, including figures, tables, and references) posted on the CTS 2013 web site using the conference web site submission (Upload) link at http://cts2013.cisedu.info/ (http://cisedu.us/cis/cts/13/users/upload.jsp). Additional pages will be charged additional fee. If accepted, the final camera-ready manuscript will follow the format posted, which will be made available to all authors (see also http://cts2013.cisedu.info/6-participants/author-info).
Electronic submissions to main Conference track will be accepted only in PDF format, uploaded to the web site above. Consistent with standard practice, each submitted paper will receive a minimum of three reviews. Papers will be selected based on their originality, timeliness, significance, relevance, and clarity of presentation and language. Initial selection will be based on full papers. Submission implies the firm willingness and availability of at least one of the authors to register and present the paper, if accepted. No withdrawal after the acceptance decision is permitted unless there is reasonable cause as determined by the conference organizers. All accepted papers in the Conference are required to be presented and will be included in the conference proceedings. It is our intent to have the proceedings formally published and be available at the time of the conference.
For information or questions about Conference’s paper submission, please contact the organizers.
Tracks, Symposia, Workshops and Special Sessions on CTS related topics are welcomed. A track/symposium/workshop/special session proposal should include a title, topics covered, organizers full contact information and affiliation, submission instructions, review process, important dates, total number of expected accepted papers, track program committee, and any other information for the authors. It is required that the organizer will attend and chair the track/symposium/workshop/special session organized. Proposals for tracks, symposia, workshops and special sessions should be submitted by November 30, 2012 as a Word file email attachment. Please refer to Tracks, Symposia, Workshops and Special Sessions page for more information (http://cts2013.cisedu.info/home/tracks-symposia-workshops-special-sessions). If you have any questions, please contact the Tracks, Symposia, Workshops and Special Sessions Co-Chairs.
The conference will offer tutorials (typically 2 to 4 hours) on the state-of-the-art topics in CTS. Each tutorial proposal should provide a title, topics to be covered, targeted audience, prerequisites, and a brief biography and qualifications of the instructor(s). All proposals should be submitted to Tutorials Chairs by January 30, 2013. Please refer to the Tutorials page for more information (http://cts2013.cisedu.info/home/tutorials). If you have any questions, please contact the Tutorials Co-Chairs.
Panel sessions and forums will examine innovative, promising, or controversial CTS issues and trends today. They will also address CTS challenges and future prospects. Audience participation will be welcomed. See Panels page for more information (http://cts2013.cisedu.info/home/panels). Proposals are welcomed and should be submitted by February 22, 2013. If you have ideas or questions concerning Conference’s panels and forums, please contact the Panels Co-Chairs.
Demos and experiential showcases of interactive collaborative environments and tools are highly encouraged. These may include any of the themes outlined in the Conference’s topics. See Demos page for further information (http://cts2013.cisedu.info/home/demos). Proposals for demos are welcomed and should be submitted by February 22, 2013. If you have any questions, please contact the Demos Co-Chairs.
The CTS Doctoral Colloquium is intended to bring together PhD students working on CTS related topics, to provide them a friendly forum and an opportunity to present, discuss and illustrate their ongoing research in a constructively critical and informal atmosphere, to obtain valuable feedback from conference attendees, particularly senior researchers and experts in the field. Doctoral students who have not defended their thesis before CTS 2013 are invited to participate in the CTS Doctoral Colloquium. Students at various stages of their PhD program are encouraged to submit their work, either as full papers or as extended abstracts (http://cts2013.cisedu.info/home/doctoral-colloquium). Students presenting their work at CTS 2013 may apply for Student Travel Grant as posted on the CTS 2013 web site. Refer to the DDC page for more information. Proposals for DDC are welcomed and should be submitted by February 25, 2013 (extended). If you have any questions, please contact the DDC Co-Chairs.
Posters addressing preliminary results, innovative ideas, work in progress, late-breaking results, collaboration tools, platforms and products, and other work not suitable for a formal paper and best presented in an interactive setting are solicited. Posters will be held in a special session where presenters will demonstrate their work directly to Conference attendees, and will remain in place during the remainder of the Conference. See Posters page for more information (http://cts2013.cisedu.info/home/posters). Proposals for posters are welcomed and should be submitted by February 22, 2013 (extended). If you have any questions, please contact the Posters Co-Chairs.
Exhibit booths will be available to display your newest products and technologies. Make plans now to take advantage of this prime advertising opportunity. Proposals are welcomed and should be submitted by March 01, 2013. Please refer to the Exhibits page for more information (http://cts2013.cisedu.info/5-partners/ex). If you have any questions, please contact the Exhibits Co-Chairs.
The CTS 2013 Conference seeks interested Industry Partners who would be willing to sponsor conference events or social activities (e.g., speaker sponsorship, student attendance, registration handout packets, exhibit reception, special break snacks, etc.). If an industry representative is interested in becoming a CTS 2013 Industry Partner or would like to propose an event or activity at the conference, please contact the Industry Liaisons & Sponsorships Co-Chairs. Please refer to the Sponsorships page for more information (http://cts2013.cisedu.info/5-partners/sponsors).
For information or questions about Conference's paper submission, tutorials, posters, workshops, special sessions, exhibits, demos, panels and forums organization, doctoral consortium, and any other information about the conference location, registration, paper formatting, etc., please consult the Conference web site at URLs:
http://cts2013.cisedu.info/ or http://cisedu.us/rp/cts13
or contact one of the Conference’s organizers or General Co-Chairs: Geoffrey C. Fox at gcf@indiana.edu and Waleed W. Smari at Smari@arys.org.
CTS 2013 CFP CTS 2013 Announcement